Audit Committee

Enhancing Governance: The Role of the Audit Committee

According to the rules stated in the Northern Territory Local Government (Accounting) Regulations, it is mandatory for the Council to create and maintain an Audit Committee.

The purpose of the Audit Committee is to support the Chief Executive Officer and the East Arnhem Regional Council in establishing a strong internal control and risk management system throughout the Council's operations. This system aims to promote the best practices of corporate governance. You can download the complete
Audit Committee Charter for more details.

Key Responsibilities of the Audit Committee

  • Monitoring compliance with legal obligations and Council policies.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of internal financial accounting and management controls.
  • Reviewing strategies and initiatives related to risk management.
  • Ensuring that audits cover the necessary areas and are thorough.
  • Overseeing the performance of internal and external audits.
  • Evaluating how well management responds to audit findings and takes appropriate actions.


Currently, the Audit Committee consists of five members. Three of them are elected members of the Council, and the other two are independent external members.

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